Sunday, September 29, 2013

Such Honor

To be honest, I follow this particular video page mostly to remain aware of the programming and propaganda being perpetrated.  I don't usually watch the videos, but I do read the titles and many, oh so many are very anti-my Biblical beliefs, but in all fairness, once in awhile they share a glimpse of humanity that is touching.  In my humble opinion, this brave soldier deserves as much coverage as he can get.  The integrity of this young man is truly inspiring.  As these wars have dragged on and on, we need to remember to continue to keep these men and women in our prayers.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Backpack Found

I've been following this story since I first saw it.  One act of honest integrity, has inspired an act of kindness, that inspired a great outpouring.  In all of our news today, there are still some stories that make our heart smile.

Integrity and unselfishness 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Repentance and Forgiveness

This is the time for the observance of Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement. Although we can't seem to actually come to a concensus about the specific day, we do share the understanding that a meaningful Yom Kippur is one of repentance and forgiveness.  I found this video to be amazingly illustrative of both repentance and forgiveness.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Love the Good Stories!

So many times we find ourselves warning of impending dangers, and pointing out the decline of our society, which needs to be covered.  It is the heart of this editor, though, to bring to light the good stories along the way as well.  This story touched my heart and I'd like to pass along the blessing.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Politics of Job Creation / Destruction

The use of "left" in the blog address is not a political reference, neither is the term, "right;" but rather, my literal location for some blog topics.  Some of the best topics and ideas of simplicity or clear observation come to me when I'm outdoors.  This reality occurred to me in the orchard.

Most of the left leaning members of our society believe that the Republicans are hindering job creation.  Most of the right leaning members of society seem to think people don't want to work . . . Now, the fact that "computer geek" is the 21st Century term for "lazy gamer" has not yet been figured into this equation, from either side.  I'm not saying all computer geeks are lazy, but I am saying there are a number of lazy gamers that label themselves "geeks."  Neither has the fact that we no longer manufacture much to speak of and much of our "service business" has been outsourced, at least for the phone and information portion of the service one is seeking.  When trying to obtain information for service, we are prompted to "press 1 for English," but it becomes clear very quickly, the tech on the other end of the phone is only using English as a courtesy to Americans.

There is the factor that there are basically only four major employers in this country and that will probably remain constant until the New World Order.  We have government employment or contracting on every level, and that includes everything from street departments, to public education, to the prison industry, to elected officials.  Next we have health care, which is ever expanding . . . From the statistics, I'd say dialysis would be the health career of choice as many of the medications list kidney problems as a potential side effect.  There is "sales and service," which covers everything from big box stores to internet shopping, to electronics and fast food.  Last, but certainly not least, we have insurance, which is sort of weaving it's way, by mandate, into all aspects of our lives.  It's certainly serving as a connection, a liaison if you will, between government and citizen regulations from auto to mortgage to health care.

Which brings me to the flip side of this job creation issue, job destruction.  Anywhere from 13,000 - 21,0000 employees may be looking at job destruction due to government mandated provision of birth control insurance.  The owners of Hobby Lobby and many others do not believe in abortion or even birth control for that matter for religious reasons.  The Health Care Reform Bill is strong arming certain employers to provide this coverage or face huge penalties.  Other, larger companies are simply do not offer their employees enough hours to qualify for insurance coverage, which means the employees do not qualify for the benefits. 

All in all, I've been amazed at watching the reactions and reading the comments.  I have a personal stake in this matter, because I believe it's a bigger issue and both sides of the aisle appear to be defying logic.  Those right leaning ladies who are adamantly against abortion and are analyzing the line of life with birth control could end up shopping at a craft store that will support the health care mandate. People abuse children they chose to have, every day of the week.  There is no way to legislate parental love!  The left leaning folk who are hollering that republicans are hindering job creation have actually written comments to the effect of "let Hobby Lobby close down."  Seems the people who are blaming one side or the other, are really blind to what we could actually be losing, which is my concern.

The Bill of Rights states that Congress is to make no laws regarding religion.  If the requirements of this Health Care Reform mandate is against someone's religion, we've got a problem.  It would seem, if the powers that be can keep the people blaming each other and opposite sides of the aisle, both sides will gladly give up their first amendment to make someone who disagrees, submit to government control.  Meanwhile Health Care Reform and same sex partner coverage, is the back door to Congress making laws about religion.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.